

Entrepreneurial Finance


18-01-2019 14:04 น. to 27-01-2019 14:04 น.

F1 Innovation Playground (SEDA) and BKK (TBA)

The deadline has finished.

0 seats left ( total 20 seats )

รายละเอียดหลักสูตร / Description

Entrepreneurial Finance is primarily designed for students who plan to get involved with a new venture at some point in their career -- as a founder, early employee, advisor or investor. However, the course is also appropriate for students interested in gaining a broader view of the financing landscape for young firms, going beyond the basics of venture capital and angel financing to look at venture debt, bank finance, corporate venture capital and receivables financing.

กำหนดการ / Agenda

18/01/2019           Introduction & New Venture Financing and financing for entrepreneurial processes from start-up to harvesting

19/01/2019           Methods of Financial Forecasting; Revenue and Integrated

20/01/2019           Methods of Financial Forecasting; Financial modelling for startups

25/01/2019           Assessing Financial Needs; Sustainable growth and Rapid growth

26/01/2019           Venture Capital and Financial alternatives

27/01/2019           Harvesting

วิทยากร / Instructor

Sethaphong Phadungpisuth

MD at GNOSIS Co ., Ltd.
View Profile

ผู้ดูแลกิจกรรม / Organizer


Chief of SEDA

Student Entrepreneurship Development Academy