18-01-2019 14:04 น. to 27-01-2019 14:04 น.
F1 Innovation Playground (SEDA) and BKK (TBA)
The deadline has finished.
0 seats left ( total 20 seats )
รายละเอียดหลักสูตร / Description
กำหนดการ / Agenda
18/01/2019 Introduction & New Venture Financing and financing for entrepreneurial processes from start-up to harvesting
19/01/2019 Methods of Financial Forecasting; Revenue and Integrated
20/01/2019 Methods of Financial Forecasting; Financial modelling for startups
25/01/2019 Assessing Financial Needs; Sustainable growth and Rapid growth
26/01/2019 Venture Capital and Financial alternatives
27/01/2019 Harvesting
วิทยากร / Instructor
ผู้ดูแลกิจกรรม / Organizer