17-08-2018 13:00 น. to 19-08-2018 16:00 น.
ห้องสัมมนาวิสวพัฒน์ 1 อาคารเครื่องมือ11
The deadline has finished.
0 seats left ( total 101 seats )
รายละเอียดหลักสูตร / Description
กำหนดการ / Agenda
Course Format Hand-on workshop, Participants need to bring their own notebook
Day1 Introduction to Data Science, Big data and Analytics
-History of Data Science, Big data and Analytics
-What Makes Data Science, Big data and Analytics Different?
-Big Data as Strategy and a Management Discipline
-Reasoning, Decision Making and Relevance to Data Science, Big data and Analytics
-Skills of a Data Scientist
-How to setup Data Science team
-Role of the Data Science, Big data and Analytics What Does It Take To Create A Data Science, Big data and Analytics Capability?
-Examples of Data Science, Big data and Analytics in Action
- Data Science, Big data and Analytics for Social Good
-Getting Started in Data Science, Big data and Analytics
-Technologies that impact Data Science, Big data and Analytics Why data Data Science, Big data and Analytics now?
-Is there free data to get started in Data Science, Big data and Analytics?
-What is closed data? -Data Privacy, Security, Ownership considerations working with the Cloud
-Other sources of Data to get started Do you need Big Data to Learn about Big Data?
-What is the last step in the process of getting the final deliverable?
-Is the third step in the process the actual Analytical work?
-What is the second step of getting the final deliverable?
-Can the deliverable be in any format?
-What are the considerations to present the final deliverable?
-End to end scenario demonstrating the process and getting the final deliverable and presenting it What are the pitfalls of Big Data?
Day2 Basic Data Preprocessing from Data Science, Big data
- How to Setup Working Directory
- Get the Dataset
- Import the libraries
- Importing the Dataset
- Manage Missing Data
- Categorical Data
- Splitting the Dataset into Training set and Test set
- Import & Export Data from Web, Twitter, Instagam, XML, ..
-Import&Export Data from .txt, .CSV, .PDF, .DOCX, .XLS ..
-Data Analysis with Statistics
Day3 การวิเคราะห์ข้อมูล และการพยากรณ์ข้อมูล Data Science, Big data and Analytics Simple Linear Regression
- Get the Dataset
- Dataset and Business Problem Description
- Simple Linear Regression Intuition
- Simple Linear Regression Intuition in R Multiple Linear Regression
- Get the Data
- Dataset and Business Problem Description
- Dataset and Business Problem Description
- Multiple Linear Regression Intuition
- Multiple Linear Regression Intuition in R
วิทยากร / Instructor
ผู้ดูแลกิจกรรม / Organizer