Educator Program
14-06-2019 09:00 น. to 06-07-2019 16:00 น.
innovation playground F1
The deadline has finished.
16 seats left ( total 20 seats )
รายละเอียดหลักสูตร / Description
กำหนดการ / Agenda
1.Intro to Laws, person, and property
2.Legal aspects in setting up a company
(Partnership, limited company, shares, stock exchange)
3.Contract, unfair contract terms, obligation, sale, hire of property and hire purchase
4Legal aspects in financing (Bill, mortgage, cheques, etc.)
5.Tax laws for new business
6.Electronic commerce laws, Crowd funding laws and regulation
7.New laws for entrepreneurs
วิทยากร / Instructor
ผู้ดูแลกิจกรรม / Organizer